Same day appointments may be available. Please call our office for availability.
Churches play a vital role in helping Care Net fulfill their mission. Through praying, financial giving, telling their congregations about us, and providing safe havens for women to grow spiritually, churches are able to dramatically impact lives and future generations.
We ask that churches in our community know us and share us with their people. We understand that abortion impacts families in and out of the church. We desire that every church is equipped and ready to come alongside those facing unplanned pregnancies and is able to support those who have gone through an abortion with post-abortion resources.
Our desire is to equip and serve alongside the body of Christ to help families thrive in metro Detroit by providing life-affirming support. We hope to see every client choose physical, but also spiritual life. Our connections to local, faithful, gospel-centered churches is vital in order to help us pass clients along for further discipleship and support. We know this work is spiritual.
Ways to help
Church impact Opportunities
For more information, contact Carmen at