Same day appointments may be available. Please call our office for availability.
Donation of Baby Items
If you prefer to donate material goods, you can call us to set up a drop off day at either of our locations.
Some of the common items needed are the following:
*Diapers (Huggies, Luvs, Pampers, and Kirkland brands only please) / Baby wipes / Formula / Clothing – Newborn to 4T) / New Bottles & Nipples / Baby Toiletries / New Car Seats / Cribs / Baby Equipment
*We are unable to accept certain items due to health or safety concerns. Please review the items we cannot accept before bringing your donation.
Kroger Community Rewards Program
Designate Care Net Pregnancy Center Berkley | Detroit as your charity of choice and Kroger will donate a percentage of your purchase dollars to Care Net every time you shop with them! Just go to: Kroger Community Rewards and in your search for our organization, put in NV114.
Charity Motors - They will donate the proceeds from the sale of your car to Care Net Pregnancy Center Berkley | Detroit and you will receive the full fair-market value tax deduction for the donation of your car. To get more information, go to:
Prayer Partner
To get a monthly email with a list of our prayer needs for Care Net and for our clients, sign up by submitting an email to be a "Praying Friend" by clicking here.
Join Our Mailing List And Stay In Touch!
Submit the form below to receive our monthly ENews and other periodic informational emails. (We do not sell or share email information.)
Amazon WishList Donation
If you would like to send a donation of baby items via online, we have an Amazon WishList set up so you can have items shipped directly to us at either location. It is an easy way to provide items that you are sure we are in need of the most.