Consider Your Options

This is an important time in your life. Whether you feel good, bad, or indifferent at this moment, we want you to be fully informed of your pregnancy options.

Our staff is ready to listen with respect and not judgement and will help you make a plan for your next steps. Parenting? Abortion? Adoption? You will receive individualized care that takes into consideration your unique situation and concerns. 

Pregnancy Options Include:

Medical Services Disclaimer: We do not provide ongoing prenatal or GYN care, birth control prescriptions, abortion services, or referral for abortion.

Adoption Discussion

Before you rule out adoption, get all of the facts. Open, semi-open, and closed adoption, help with expenses… there’s a lot to learn.

Making an adoption plan can open up a world of possibilities you may not have considered. It can be an emotional but a rewarding decision.

We are here to help you begin to explore this possibility and connect you with a qualified agency if you’d like to learn more.

Abortion Education

The first best thing you can do for your health is to get the answers to the following…

What if I’m not really pregnant? What if I’m having a miscarriage? What is an ectopic pregnancy?

Being fully informed before any medical or surgical procedure is critical for your health and well-being. We know it’s a big decision and we want to support you.

Our licensed medical professionals can help you understand:

  • Types of abortion procedures - Medical Abortion and Surgical Abortion

  • Potential medical health risks

  • Possible emotional and spiritual risks

  • Questions to ask the abortion provider

  • What about the abortion pill or the morning after pill…are they the same thing?

We are committed to providing you with up-to-date and evidence based education, however, we do not offer nor refer for abortion services.

Choosing abortion can be life-changing. Before you decide, find out what other women have to say about their choice.

Stand Up Girl
Abortion Changes You
Silent No More
Abortion Recovery


Even if you didn’t plan on having kids for years or never really thought about having kids at all, you might consider the option to parent as it has many rewards.

Most parents do not regret making the decision to keep their child. Being a parent can be a challenge, but to most, the love that you experience outweighs those challenges. 

We offer Community Referrals if you decide to parent and we offer a free Parenting Program for those who want to have education to help them in their journey. Participation in the program offers free baby supplies and resources as well.