Same day appointments may be available. Please call our office for availability.
How far along am I? What if the pregnancy is in my fallopian tube (ectopic)?
Set up an appointment to confirm and date your pregnancy.
Confirming a viable pregnancy and estimating gestational age are vital pieces of information. Our licensed medical team will gather medical history information and determine if you qualify for a free ultrasound.
Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound exams can determine if the fetus is in the uterus as it should be, the approximate gestational age, and offer information on miscarriage/ectopic precautions. Our caring and professional licensed medical team members will conduct your ultrasound and provide the evidenced based medical education you need to make an informed decision.
Ultrasound Exam Appointments:
Medical Services Disclaimer: We do not provide ongoing prenatal or GYN care, birth control prescriptions, abortion services, or referral for abortion.
In short, yes. Sometimes a fertilized egg can develop outside of the uterus. One of the key aspects of an ultrasound is to determine a pregnancy’s location. Any pregnancy that develops in the abdominal cavity, fallopian tubes, or cervix is known as an ectopic pregnancy. For safety reasons, a woman with any of these conditions must reevaluate her options. It is critical that a woman with a suspected ectopic pregnancy be seen immediately by her doctor or go to an emergency room.