Same day appointments may be available. Please call our office for availability.
Care Net Berkley Detroit will host a Pastor & Church Leadership Luncheon where Samuel Sey will encourage you as leaders of the Church regarding abortion culture in our Metro Detroit community. Q&A to follow.
Our desire is to encourage the local church to be educated on the issues around abortion in today's culture. We pray that the local church will not only care about the lives of the preborn, but also grow in confidence and compassion to speak on the issues surrounding this topic.
This event is open to pastors, associate pastors, youth pastors, College & Career pastors and their spouses and Women's Ministry Leaders.
Lunch will be provided.
Samuel is a Ghanian-Canadian who now lives in America. He is a writer, a pro-life speaker who from a Christian Worldview explores the issues around abortion in today's culture and writes about it in his weekly blog, His blog also addresses racial, cultural and political issues from a Biblical point of view. His words have been featured on The Daily Wire, The Christian Post and
Former Pastor and Founder, Project LifeVoice